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Funny[Top 50] Quotes About School Life

Funny Quotes About School Life

Hello my dear friends you all are again welcomed at Kuchkhastech and today i am very happy to bring you these Funny Quotes About School life. Because school is a very important part of every person's life. And if someone is successful in their life today, then all credit of his success goes to school and teachers. Let me tell you something about school that what is school and what is school life.
School is the place where education is provided to every children. The school is an institution where children's physical, mental, intellectual and moral qualities are developed. The term 'school' is used in the English language for the word 'school', which originates from the Greek word 'skohla' or 'skhole', which means 'holidays'. This meaning seems somewhat strange - but the reality is that in ancient Greece, vacation destinations were only addressed in the name of school. The holiday was considered as a 'self-development', which was practiced on a fixed place, where leisure time was gradually became a school of instruction, which gradually gave the knowledge of a certain purpose and curriculum. 
But as you know, where we spent our time, we get emotionally involved there. And when we leave that place then we carry lots of memories. And this all thing happens with us when we study at school and leave the school. And few Funny Quotes About School Life are written below hope you all like it very much.

Funny School Life Quotes That Will Make You Laugh

One hand on #_pen other on phone, One ear on lecture other on gossip, One eye on board other on #_crush, Who says students life is easy? We are very busy...

Teacher- The test is very easy!!!
Me- Sure it is B*tch, because you already know the answers...

Most wonderful news in school life, Teacher is Absent

That proud moment, when our teacher says, " This is the worst class i have ever seen"

Happiness in school life," Cleaning bench with friends bag"

Truths of school life-

- First bench student knows the solution of every problem
- But Last bench students knows how to face every #_Problem!!! 

The most proud moment of my school life is:
When i know nothing in exam and my teacher says' "Hide your answer sheet, the student behind you is copying you"

When i say " I miss my school days"
It means my friends and fun, not the study part

Without school school, its really hard to know what day is it!!!

A police officer came to my house and asked me where I was between 5 and 6.  I replied, "Kindergarten."
A policeman pulled me over and asked me for my papers.  I gladly gave him all of my students' essays to grade and drove off.

A policeman pulled me over and asked me for my papers.  I gladly gave him all of my students' essays to grade and drove off.

As long as algebra is taught in school, there will be prayer in school

Ok," I am going to study now"
   Three hours later
"Okay, I am going to study now seriously"

If, Facebook, Youtube and Whatsapp are my school subjects, then nobody could stop me to do top in my class.

You can drag my body to school but my spirit refuses to go

Every high school has its Romeo and Juliet, one tragic couple. So does every generation

In school they told me Practice makes perfect. And then they told me Nobody's perfect, so then I stopped practicing

In school one learns to ask stupid questions of life

The most difficult thing in the world, while teacher is giving a serious lecture, controlling laugh with best friend.
In school we shy to sit with girl
But in college, we die to sit with girl

Friend buy you a lunch
But best friend eats your lunch

One of the best School memory-
Counting students of each row, To see which paragraph i have to read.

In school, We learn how to learn

I wish there was a pen that can copy and paste.

Quotes On School Life

If Child Labour Is A Crime.Then Why Teacher Gives Homework?

Sit down, class isn’t over yet! "bell rings" haha F**k you

At night i can’t sleep, In the morning i can’t wake up

That LIKE A BOSS moment when you get the right answer and the Topper kid doesn’t

I don’t hate school, I just hate the teachers, homework, exams, and waking up in the morning
Me at school ," I will work on it at home"
Me at home,'" I will work on it at school"

The two best day of school life-
First day.
Last day

Stop Exam-
Save paper, save trees

Bullying our friends and teasing them with their nick name, as the one of the best memory which everyone had in their childhood.

One of the best school memory-
Polishing the white shoes with chalk

Best memory-
Screaming nooooo
When the teacher start erasing the board, When you are not done the copying, Because you were busy talking with your best friend.

Best song of school
Gooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddddd Mmmmmoooooooooorrrrrrningggggggggggggggg Ttttttteacherrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thank you sit down
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkk uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu TTTTTTTeaaaaaaaaaachhhhhhheeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr

Best memory-
When teacher separate you from your friend and make you sit in different bench, But you came back to the same bench after the lecture. 

Question by every student:
If single teacher cant teach us all the subjects. then how could you expect a single student to learn all the subjects.

Whenever i trying to fall in love with my books,
My phone always proposes me.

Also Read:

As you know that when we are in our school days, we hate our school and teachers so much. But when we leave the school only then we feel what the school life is, and then we start finding Quotes About School Life on Internet. 
When i was studying in the school, I felt that school is the worst thing in the world. And on the last day of our school, all my classmates are crying but i did not understand why they are crying. But now after 6 years of leaving my school, i understand why my classmates are crying.
Hope you all are like these Funny Quotes On School Life and also like but i wrote. And if you like these school life quotes then comment below in comment box and tell me what did you like the most in the comment box. And if you don't like something in this article then also tell me what did you don't like in the article. So that i will improve my mistakes in new article and give you better experience next time. And also don't forget to visit again to